True KA profitability analysis and reporting

Best Practice Component: True KA profitability analysis and reporting

Best Practice Topic

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Best Practice Topic

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Allocation Of True Cost

We have an accounting model which identifies and allocates the actual direct costs we incur to specific KA.

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Indirect Cost Allocation

We have a model which captures all the indirect costs and allocates them to the relevant KA using a series of defined protocols in accordance with the KA actual utilisation of our resource.

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Ka Profitability

We know that total cost of the direct and indirect activities in which we are engaged with each KA and as a result we know the true profitability of the KA.

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Ka Profitability Reporting and Analysis

We have a simple KA profitability reporting tool and format which allows the KAM to assess the current profitability with confidence, to identify where cost is absorbed and to conduct simple 'what if' analysis in order to create plans to raise profitability.

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Identification Of Non-Adding Value Activities

We can use our profitability reporting tool to identify those activities which do not add value or for which we are not properly compensated.

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Value Initiative Profit Impact Analysis

We can use our profitability reporting tool to identify the profit impact of our current and potential value initiatives and so allocate the right level of resource and funding on the high impact initiatives.

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I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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Questions Raised

I have identified the questions this overall summary raises for me and have determined what I should so to answer them.

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Total percentage (%)


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