KAM Program implementation

Best Practice Component: KAM Program implementation

Best Practice Topic

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Best Practice Topic

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Support From The Top

Our KA growth program is demonstrably lead from the top of the organisation - the CEO and C-Suite are actively supportive and engaged.

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Defined Expectations

We have defined our expectations for the KA program - we have all agreed where we need to be by when - we have ensured that all managers recognise the long term demands of KAM and have realistic expectations.

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Can I show tangible evidence?


Defined Measures Of Success

We have defined and agreed specific measures of success for the program - the measures cover the commercial objectives, the success drivers and the KA relationship.

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Defined Capabilities

We have identified and assessed the specific capabilities we require to achieve success.

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Development Activity Driven By Objectives

We have a defined KAM development program in place for the coming two years which recognises the long term demands - we are making or have made KAM development part of the normal approach to business.

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Regular Progress Reporting

We have regular senior level review of progress which summarises the most recent learning and recommendations.

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I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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(0 - 3)

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Questions Raised

I have identified the questions this overall summary raises for me and have determined what I should so to answer them.

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(0 - 3)

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