KAM Leadership roles and responsibilities

Best Practice Component: KAM Leadership roles and responsibilities

Best Practice Topic

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Best Practice Topic

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Clear Leadership From The Top

The CEO and C-Suite are clearly leading KA growth and this leadership is demonstrably cascaded down through the management team so that all managers are ready activity to support the KA growth.

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Can I show tangible evidence?


Senior Level Engagement

The CEO and C-Suite and senior managers are demonstrably committed to KA growth - they are clear on the KA objectives, engaged with the KA at the relevant level, can be called on to support a KA initiative and are actively engaged during the formal quarterly progress review.

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Senior Team Role Defined

We have defined the role and responsibilities of the C-Suite and senior managers throughout the business in the KA growth process.

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Senior Team Activities Defined

We have defined the specific activities required of the C-Suite and senior managers throughout the business in the KA growth process.

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Measurement Of Line Managers

We have defined how we should measure the activities of the line and support managers within the KA growth process.

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Allocation Of Resources

We have a process to allocate resources according to the growth opportunities defined the KA growth strategy - all our managers are clear about the priority and allocation plan.

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Compensation Plan

We have a compensation plan which rewards the right focus and behaviours across the whole management team.

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I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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Questions Raised

I have identified the questions this overall summary raises for me and have determined what I should so to answer them.

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