Opportunity Identification & Prototyping

Best Practice Component: Opportunity Identification & Prototyping

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.


Situation Summary

I have considered the previous diagnosis and prepared a comprehensive summary analysis of the current situation and likely areas of opportunity along with the critical questions I want to address.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Design Thinking Workshops

I have run design thinking workshops which have generated prototypes for testing.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Estimated Value, Revenue, Share & Cost Impact

For each prototype for testing, I have estimated the potential for value, revenue, share and cost to our business and the KA.

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(0 - 3)

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Identify KA and/or Partners to Test The Prototypes

I have identified the most likely KA and where required partners to participate in the prototype testing.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Action Plan

I have developed an Action Plan to test the prototype defining objectives, roles, responsibilities, costs, actions, reviews.

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(0 - 3)

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Plan Agreement

I have formal agreement from all the relevant internal and external managers to support the plan and contribute the required resources.

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(0 - 3)

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Prototype Assessment and Revising/Formalising

I have a process to assess the results of the prototype, to create a revised model for re-testing and to create the formal model for acceptance and implementation.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Plan Implementation and Progress Reporting

I have a process for monthly review and feedback and progress reporting.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Questions Raised and Additional Information Required

I have identified the information I should gain and the questions I should address and have determined what I should do next.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



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