Joint Working & Operations With The KA

Best Practice Component: Joint Working & Operations With The KA

Best Practice Topic

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.


Project Joint Team Composition

We have agreed who will make up the joint team and who will lead the team.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Team Role and Responsibilities

We have agreed what the team will do and be responsible for and we have defined and the agreed the individual team members roles and responsibilities.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Ways of Working For Joint Value Creation

I have defined and agreed the ways of working - roles, responsibilities, measures, plans, communications, reporting.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Communication and Reporting

We have agreed protocols and processes for communication and reporting within the team and to the senior management from both companies.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Identify The Specific Questions And Objectives For The Project Work Stream

We have agree the topic(s) for joint working along with the specific questions we want to address and objectives we will achieve.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Data Sharing

We have agreed the specific data which will be shared, not shared, collected and used for the project and the restrictions on the data.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Resolution of Blocks and Conflicts

We have agreed processes of escalation and resolution which will be used in the event of a blockage or conflict within the project team or between the team and senior managers.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Project Work Stream Action Plan

We have agreed a joint Action Plan for the project and the progress review times.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Questions Raised and Additional Information Required

I have identified the information I should gain and the questions I should address and have determined what I should do next.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



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