KA value offer and competitive position

Best Practice Component: KA value offer and competitive position

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.

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Can I show tangible evidence?

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.


Current Value

We have defined the specific current value we bring as a supplier.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Current Value Worth

We have defined in money the possible worth of the current value and support we bring to the 'average' KA.

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(0 - 3)

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Value Activity Assessment

We have identified the various activities we perform for the KA and have identified the average cost and value delivered.

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(0 - 3)

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Value And Competitive Mapping

We have mapped the value and support we provide compared to our competitors in order to identify overlap and our/their unique value offer.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Competitive Positioning Opportunities (White Space Identification)

We have identified the opportunities for us to gain competitive advantage by developing new value and support.

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(0 - 3)

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Value Chain Analysis

We have assessed the value chains for our most important sectors/channels to identify new value adding opportunities throughout the chain and their impact on our business with our KA.

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(0 - 3)

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Market Trend Analysis

We have conducted a market trend and influence analysis for our most important markets to identify opportunities for adding value.

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New Value Opportunities and Projects

We have identified the most interesting opportunities for new added value initiatives and have established project teams to develop and test prototypes with selected KA.

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Can I show tangible evidence?



I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

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(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Questions Raised

I have identified the questions this overall summary raises for me and have determined what I should so to answer them.

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(0 - 3)

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