KA Background Knowledge

Best Practice Component: KA Background Knowledge

What is the KA doing?

Knowledge of the Account lies at the heart of value identification and growth planning and in order that you can engage with all levels of the KA’s management structure. These are the core things you should know.

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?

Best Practice Topic

Note: This sheet is completed automatically from your input to the individual capability sheets.


Business Description

I have prepared a summary description of the KA's business to include business sectors, geography, number of people and other salient details - this can be used as an initial briefing for internal colleagues.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



I have defined the ownership structure of the KA - who owns it and which companies it owns by location.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Locations & Footprint

I have identified the corporate offices, manufacturing and other important locations along with the overall geographical presence.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Main Products, Services and Brands

I have identified the most important products, services and brands by geography where necessary.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Main Competitors

I have identified the main competitors for the KA by geography where necessary and the threat perceived by the KA.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Main Sector

For the relevant KA market sectors, I have identified the most issues, drivers and trends which will impact the KA's business from market reports and other relevant sources.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


KA's Own Customers

I have identified the most important customers and/or customer groups for the KA. I know how the KA is positioning itself with these customers and I know where is main growth will come from.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



I have identified the most important implications of this summary for me and my business.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?


Questions Raised and Additional Information Required

I have identified the information I should gain and the questions I should address and have determined what I should do next.

My Score

(0 - 3)

Can I show tangible evidence?



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